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MSLA Awards


MSLA's four Awards​

MSLA Out­stand­ing Teacher-Librar­ian of the Year

In Memory of Lois Gervais​


MSLA Out­stand­ing Library Sup­port Staff of the Year

In Memory of Lois Gervais​ 


MSLA School Admin­is­tra­tor Award for Dis­tin­guished Service


MSLA Dis­tin­guished Ser­vice Award




Nom­i­na­tion dead­line: April 8, 2025​

Submit nomination to

MSLA Out­stand­ing Teacher-Librarian of the Year Award
In Memory of Lois Gervais

The Man­i­toba School Library Asso­ci­a­tion (MSLA), a Spe­cial Area Group of Edu­ca­tors of the Man­i­toba Teach­ers’ Soci­ety, hon­ours prac­tic­ing teacher-librarians who are mak­ing an out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tion to school librar­i­an­ship in Man­i­toba. The award is made each year to one individual.




  • The MSLA Out­stand­ing Teacher-Librarian of the Year Award (In Memory of Lois Gervais) is open to all prac­tic­ing school level teacher-librarians in Manitoba.

  • Nom­i­nees must be per­sonal mem­bers of the Man­i­toba School Library Asso­ci­a­tion in the same year as the award.(If you unsure of the Nominee’s sta­tus, please con­tact the MSLA Pres­i­dent.  Mem­ber­ship to MSLA can be taken out at any time of the year.) Nom­i­na­tors do not have to be per­sonal mem­bers of the MSLA.



School Library Instruc­tional Program

  • Indi­vid­u­als nom­i­nated for the award should demon­strate the plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion of a school library pro­gram dur­ing the given school year of such exem­plary qual­ity that it serves as a model for others.

Pro­fes­sional Activ­ity Involvement

  • Indi­vid­u­als nom­i­nated should also be involved in one of the fol­low­ing areas dur­ing the given school year:

  • Con­tribut­ing to the pro­fes­sion through MSLA and/or related organizations.

  • Shar­ing of ideas and resources through such means as work­shops and publications.

  • Pro­vid­ing instruc­tional lead­er­ship through involve­ment at his/her school and/or division/district.


Guide­lines for nomination

  • The nom­i­na­tor will com­plete the MSLA Award Nom­i­na­tion Form includ­ing a brief biography/resume of the nom­i­nee out­lin­ing their achieve­ments and library back­ground per­ti­nent to the award. Once received, the biog­ra­phy becomes the prop­erty of the Man­i­toba School Library Association.

  • At least one let­ter (or other doc­u­ment) of sup­port from col­leagues, super­vi­sors or other sig­nif­i­cant sup­port­ers of the nom­i­nee will accom­pany the nomination.

  • Nom­i­na­tions will be con­sid­ered for only the year in which they are received.


Pre­sen­ta­tion of the award

  • Can­di­dates will be noti­fied of the deci­sion of the Awards Jury in April.

  • In accept­ing the award, the win­ner agrees to the use of her/his name and pic­ture as well as a brief descrip­tion of his/her accom­plish­ments in any pub­lic­ity related to the award which may be dis­sem­i­nated by the Man­i­toba School Library Association.

  • The award will be pre­sented at the Annual Gen­eral Meet­ing in May.

  • If, in any year, no wor­thy can­di­date is iden­ti­fied, no award will be made.

  • The award will be a plaque with appropriate inscription.   Due to the generosity of Charles Gervais (administered through The Winnipeg Foundation), this award includes a monetary award of up to $750.00 per year.


Nom­i­na­tion dead­line: April 8, 2025


Submit nomination to

MSLA Out­stand­ing Library
support staff of the Year Award
In Memory of Lois Gervais




  • The MSLA Out­stand­ing Library Staff of the Year Award (In Memory of Lois Gervais) is open to all school library sup­port staff includ­ing library tech­ni­cians and library clerks.   Vol­un­teers in school libraries are not eligible.

  • Nom­i­nees must be per­sonal mem­bers of the Man­i­toba School Library Asso­ci­a­tion in the same year as the award. (If you unsure of the Nominee’s sta­tus, please con­tact the MSLA Pres­i­dent.  Mem­ber­ship to MSLA can be taken out at any time of the year.)  Nom­i­na­tors do not have to be per­sonal mem­bers of the MSLA.



This award may be pre­sented annu­ally by MSLA for out­stand­ing ser­vice by an indi­vid­ual who advo­cates and sup­ports library pro­grams. The con­tri­bu­tion made by the recip­i­ent should be:

School Library Activities/Programs

  • Indi­vid­u­als nom­i­nated for the award should demon­strate par­tic­i­pa­tion and sup­port in the imple­men­ta­tion of a school library pro­gram dur­ing the given school year.

Pro­fes­sional Activ­ity Involvement

  • Indi­vid­u­als nom­i­nated should also be involved in one of the fol­low­ing areas dur­ing the given school year:

  • Con­tribut­ing to the pro­fes­sion through MSLA and/or related organizations.

  • Shar­ing of ideas and resources through such means as work­shops and publications.

  • Pro­vid­ing support/instruction through involve­ment at his/her school and/or division/district.


Guide­lines for nomination

  • The nom­i­na­tor will com­plete the MSLA Award Nom­i­na­tion Form includ­ing a brief biography/resume of the nom­i­nee out­lin­ing their achieve­ments and library back­ground per­ti­nent to the award. Once received, the biog­ra­phy becomes the prop­erty of the Man­i­toba School Library Association.

  • At least one let­ter (or other doc­u­ment) of sup­port from col­leagues, super­vi­sors or other sig­nif­i­cant sup­port­ers of the nom­i­nee will accom­pany the nomination.

  • Nom­i­na­tions will be con­sid­ered for only the year in which they are received.


Pre­sen­ta­tion of the award

  • Can­di­dates will be noti­fied of the deci­sion of the Awards Jury in April.

  • In accept­ing the award, the win­ner agrees to the use of her/his name and pic­ture as well as a brief descrip­tion of his/her accom­plish­ments in any pub­lic­ity related to the award which may be dis­sem­i­nated by the Man­i­toba School Library Association.

  • The award will be pre­sented at the Annual Gen­eral Meet­ing in May.

  • If, in any year, no wor­thy can­di­date is iden­ti­fied, no award will be made.

  • The award will be a plaque with appropriate inscription.   Due to the generosity of Charles Gervais (administered through The Winnipeg Foundation), this award includes a monetary award of up to $750.00 per year.


Nom­i­na­tion dead­line: April 8, 2025.


Submit nomination by email:

The Man­i­toba School Library Asso­ci­a­tion (MSLA), a Spe­cial Area Group of Edu­ca­tors of the Man­i­toba Teach­ers’ Soci­ety, hon­ours a library tech­ni­cian or library sup­port staff who are mak­ing an out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tion to school libraries in

Man­i­toba. The award is made each year to one individual.

MSLA school administrator award for distinguished service




MSLA has two pur­poses in pre­sent­ing the School Admin­is­tra­tor Award for Dis­tin­guished Ser­vice to Man­i­toba School Libraries.

  • To rec­og­nize the respon­si­ble and influ­en­tial role that school admin­is­tra­tors per­form in the devel­op­ment and main­te­nance of suc­cess­ful school library programs.

  • To hon­our those school admin­is­tra­tors who, through their lead­er­ship and sus­tained effort, have made an out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tion to the imple­men­ta­tion of effec­tive school library pro­grams and to the role that these pro­grams play in the total learn­ing environment.



  • A can­di­date must be a Prin­ci­pal or Vice-Principal who is directly respon­si­ble for a Man­i­toba school at the ele­men­tary or sec­ondary level.

  • A can­di­date must be in admin­is­tra­tive office at the time of the nom­i­na­tion of the award.


Guide­lines for nominations

  • Nom­i­nators must be per­sonal mem­bers of the Man­i­toba School Library Asso­ci­a­tion in the same year as the award.  Those nominated do not have to be members of the MSLA.

  • The nom­i­na­tor will com­plete the MSLA Award Nom­i­na­tion Form includ­ing a brief biography/resume of the nom­i­nee out­lin­ing their achieve­ments and library back­ground per­ti­nent to the award, and at least one let­ter of sup­port from col­leagues, super­vi­sors or other sig­nif­i­cant sup­port­ers of the nom­i­nee. Once received, the biog­ra­phy becomes the prop­erty of the Man­i­toba School Library Association.

  • Nom­i­na­tions will be con­sid­ered for only the year in which they are received.


Cri­te­ria for judging

In judg­ing nom­i­nees, the awards jury will eval­u­ate the out­stand­ing and sus­tained con­tri­bu­tion of each nom­i­nee in fur­ther­ing the devel­op­ment of effec­tive school library pro­grams. The appli­ca­tion should pro­vide evi­dence that the nom­i­nee has:

  • Pro­vided lead­er­ship in for­mu­lat­ing and imple­ment­ing school library poli­cies and pro­grams which have made a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to the edu­ca­tional pro­gram of a school;

  • Actively pro­moted the school library pro­gram through work with teacher-librarian(s), library support staff, teach­ers, stu­dents and the community.

  • Out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tions should be high­lighted, dis­cussing those areas where the nom­i­nee has gone beyond nor­mal expec­ta­tions to develop, sup­port, pro­mote or main­tain school library pro­grams that have made a sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ence to the edu­ca­tional effec­tive­ness of the school.


Pre­sen­ta­tion of the award

  • Can­di­dates will be noti­fied of the deci­sion of the Awards Jury in April.

  • In accept­ing the award, the win­ner agrees to the use of her/his name and pic­ture as well as a brief descrip­tion of his/her accom­plish­ments in any pub­lic­ity related to the award which may be dis­sem­i­nated by the Man­i­toba School Library Association.

  • The award will be pre­sented at the Annual Gen­eral Meet­ing in May.

  • If, in any year, no wor­thy can­di­date is iden­ti­fied, no award will be made.

  • The award will be a plaque with appro­pri­ate inscription.


Nom­i­na­tion dead­line: April 8, 2025


Submit nomination by email:

The Man­i­toba School Library Asso­ci­a­tion, a Spe­cial Area Group of Edu­ca­tors of the Man­i­toba Teach­ers’ Soci­ety, hon­ours school admin­is­tra­tors who have direct respon­si­bil­ity for a school and who have made an out­stand­ing and sus­tained con­tri­bu­tion toward estab­lish­ing, devel­op­ing and main­tain­ing an effec­tive school library pro­gram in a school or schools under their admin­is­tra­tion.

distinguished service award

The Man­i­toba School Library Asso­ci­a­tion (MSLA) rec­og­nizes the efforts of indi­vid­u­als who have made out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tions in sup­port of effec­tive school libraries in Manitoba.


This award may be pre­sented annu­ally by MSLA for out­stand­ing ser­vice by an indi­vid­ual who helps teacher-librarians and/or other school library support workers to deliver their pro­grams more effec­tively. The con­tri­bu­tion made by the recip­i­ent should be:

  • Out­stand­ing in his/her own field

  • Altru­is­tic

  • Sig­nif­i­cant in terms of the con­tin­u­ing his­tory of school library service.

Con­sid­er­a­tion will be given to projects that have been com­pleted in the pre­vi­ous year, or to a con­tin­uum of activ­i­ties extend­ing over a longer period. The activ­i­ties must have had and con­tinue to have, a pos­i­tive impact on school library ser­vice at the indi­vid­ual school, divi­sional, provin­cial or national level.


Guide­lines for Nominations

  • Nom­i­nators must be per­sonal mem­bers of the Man­i­toba School Library Asso­ci­a­tion in the same year as the award.  Those nominated do not have to be members of the MSLA.

  • The nom­i­na­tor will com­plete the MSLA Award Nom­i­na­tion Form includ­ing a brief biography/resume of the nom­i­nee out­lin­ing their achieve­ments and library back­ground per­ti­nent to the award, and at least one let­ter of sup­port from col­leagues, super­vi­sors or other sig­nif­i­cant sup­port­ers of the nom­i­nee. Once received, the biog­ra­phy becomes the prop­erty of the Man­i­toba School Library Association.

  • Nom­i­na­tions will be con­sid­ered for only the year in which they are received.


Pre­sen­ta­tion of the award

  • Can­di­dates will be noti­fied of the deci­sion of the Awards Jury in April.

  • In accept­ing the award, the win­ner agrees to the use of her/his name and pic­ture as well as a brief descrip­tion of his/her accom­plish­ments in any pub­lic­ity related to the award which may be dis­sem­i­nated by the Man­i­toba School Library Association.

  • The award will be pre­sented at the Annual Gen­eral Meet­ing in May.

  • If, in any year, no wor­thy can­di­date is iden­ti­fied, no award will be made.

  • The award will be a plaque with appro­pri­ate inscription.


Nom­i­na­tion dead­line: April 8, 2025


Submit nomination by email:​


Contact the MSLA:

Man­i­toba School Library Asso­ci­a­tion
c/o Manitoba Teachers' Society
191 Harcourt St.
Win­nipeg, MB. R3J 3H2


© 2023 Manitoba School Library Association

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