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MSLA Fall Conference

Offering professional learning for teacher-librarians, library technicians/assistants, and classroom teachers.

2024 Conference


Offering professional learning for Teacher-Librarians.

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The March Lit Forum will explore the vital role of libraries and teachers in nurturing the 6 C's: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Citizenship, Critical Thinking, and Connection to Self.


By using resources, technology, and a supportive community, libraries serve as the ideal environment for individuals to develop essential skills.


This session will  highlight programs, books, activities and resources  to use with learners to enhance their communication abilities, work effectively with others, think critically, engage as responsible citizens, cultivate creativity, and foster a deeper connection to themselves.

Join your library colleagues – teacher librarians and library techs  and classroom teachers for a casual evening of learning and fun, Cash bar available, snacks provided

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Cana­dian School Libraries (CSL) is a non-profit orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cated to pro­fes­sional research and devel­op­ment in the field of the school library learn­ing com­mons in Canada. CSL con­nects school library prac­ti­tion­ers and edu­ca­tors across Canada in the col­lab­o­ra­tive pur­suit of deliv­er­ing exem­plary prac­tices reflec­tive of cur­rent pro­fes­sional school library learn­ing com­mons standards.  

Find helpful information and resources here.

Contact the MSLA:

Man­i­toba School Library Asso­ci­a­tion
c/o Manitoba Teachers' Society
191 Harcourt St.
Win­nipeg, MB. R3J 3H2


© 2023 Manitoba School Library Association

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